Plant Trees While Searching The Web
Ecosia shows ads in its SERPs, which it calls EcoAds. In order to show ads and search results it has partnered with Bing (we love Bing!).
Through this model, Bing shares a portion of the revenue generated by these ads.
Why Are Remarketing Ads Important?
Ever been innocuously browsing the web for your next pair of shoes, before leaving the retail site to browse your social media, only to find the shoes have followed you in an advertisement – reminding you you’ve forgotten them? That’s dynamic remarketing.
Daily Reason To Be Happy
Happiness is the universal feeling we all aspire to experience more of, yet, we can be an angry, moody, depressed bunch, can’t we? The science of happiness tells us that being happy is, indeed, a choice. There are people in your life who love and depend on you. Life could change dramatically Happy people are […]
Wild Life Workshop
Habitat loss, climate change, poaching, and pollution paint a bleak picture for threatened and endangered species around the world. The loss of a single species is a tragic event and yet we lose an estimated 10,000 species to extinction every year! Endangered animals in the U.S. include the gray wolf, manatee, ocelot, panther, and many […]
Lazy Sunday Morning
On autumn weekends with good weather you can almost experience caravans of people marching over the grandiose lookout balconies between the Dolomites and the Tauern and filling the mountain lodges to capacity. But very few people have the idea of turning the perspective around and approaching the Carnic ridge for once from the valley side. […]
On spending more time outdoors
Being outdoors, walking, with my phone tucked inside my rucksack, made me realise just how much time I spend online. How I have slipped into iPhone-dependancy over the past few years; waiting at the checkout in the supermarket? Time to dip into Twitter. Once you start to realise how much time you spend online, you […]